After 15+ years of dipping in and out of 'shape' based yoga classes, it wasn't until I studied therapeutic yoga with Deyna Devi in Kendal that I discovered the nurturing qualities of yoga. I'd finally found a practice that gave me permission to be my own playful self and explore the multitude of ways a body can move. In 2022, I discovered huge benefits in incorporating a few Pilates movements into my own personal practice. My lower back started to feel less vulnerable as I had started to incorporate core-strength and body conditioning work into my practice and my knees no longer 'twinged' as a I walked down the stairs! The increased muscular engagement also seemed to promote even deeper breathing and relaxation. In October 2023, I decided to take the plunge, yet again, and enrolled on an 80-hour Yogalates Teacher Training for Yoga Teachers at Yogalates London with Beth Morgan.
My classes are now mainly Yogalates as I have become so inspired by the highly effective integration of practices from the East and West and I cannot wait to share the joy of Yogalates with you. Read more about Yogalates here
60-hour Foundation Course with The British Wheel of Yoga - 2019
200-hour Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training at Inner Fire - 2020 (accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals)
40-hour Level Two Embodied Yoga Teacher Training at Brahmani Yoga - 2022
CPD Courses in Evolutionary Yoga Philosophy and Addiction, Trauma and Well-being at Inner Fire - 2021
80-hour Yogalates Teacher Training for Yoga Teachers at Yogalates London - 2023